Click to Download the CV of Shri Eklabya Sharma
Chairperson, Scientific Advisory Committee of the G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Development an autonomous institute of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Vice-President, Mountain Academy of Sciences, India
Former Deputy Director General, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Former Head, Sikkim Regional Centre, GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment
An ecologist having over 35 years of experience with more than 200 publications on sustainable mountain development of the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. More than 30 years of senior management and executive experience. Established the Sikkim Regional Centre of G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Development, India in 1990s. During 2001-2020 served ICIMOD by overseeing policy and strategy development, programme design, operations and implementation of complex initiatives across eight countries with 300+ staff from more than 20 nationalities and 250+ partner-institutions. Managed relationships with eight regional member country governments and donors. Steered the 5-yr Hindu-Kush-Himalaya Assessment engaging 350+ scientists globally, which was published by Springer. Served as Member of Governing Council of Sikkim Manipal University. Coordinated and established Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) with about 90 member universities of the Hindu Kush Himalayan region and from outside the region, and also served as Steering Committee member of the HUC. Contributed in education and research committees of universities in India, Nepal and China. Supervised seven PhD theses on ecology of the Himalayan ecosystems. Has a long experience in institutional development, managing human resources, developing partnerships and networking, knowledge management and communication, science policy and diplomacy, and fund raising.
Mountain ecology and ecosystem management; Biodiversity conservation (scientific and participatory monitoring) and entrepreneurships development; Medicinal, aromatic and wild edible plant monitoring and management; Participatory natural resource management; Mountain farming systems specializing on linkages such as agroforestry, forests and agriculture; Appropriate technology development, demonstration and capacity building of communities on farm productivity and sustainable natural resource management; Biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems with a special thrust on nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilisation and biological maintenance of soil fertility; Watershed management including land-use/cover change, hydro-ecological linkages and carbon dynamics; Transboundary landscape ecology and management; Biodiversity and ecotourism; Climate change impact assessments; and adaptation and resilience building.
Institutional development; Applied multidisciplinary research and analysis; Program development and management; Project design & implementation; Participatory planning and implementation; Gender and inclusive development; Government and donor relations; Partnership development and networking; Institutional strategy development and its operationalization; Policy advocacy; Regional and transboundary cooperation among eight Hindu Kush Himalayan countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan); Science diplomacy in regional and global processes; and Fund raising.
Academic qualifications:
Ph.D. (Botany-Ecology), Banaras Hindu University, India 1985: Title of thesis “Primary production, nutrient dynamics and decomposition in actinorhizal Alnus nepalensis plantations in the Eastern Himalaya”
M.Sc. (Botany), Banaras Hindu University, India 1979: First Class Second Position.
B.Sc. (Hons), Banaras Hindu University, India 1977: with Chemistry, Botany (Hons), Zoology and English: First Class First in Botany (Hons).
Pre‑University Course in Science, St. Joseph's College, Darjeeling, North Bengal University, India 1974.
School Final, St. Alphonsus School, Kurseong, Darjeeling, India 1973.
Awards and fellowships:
- Excellence Award for contribution in Science and Environment towards development of the Modern India, Sikkim University and Government of Sikkim, Gangtok in 2017.
- Fellow, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi 2014
- Social Status Award, for ‘Environment’ conferred by Government of Sikkim in 2004
- Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences, India 1999
- Honourable Mention Paper Award for 1999 by Soil and Water Conservation Society, USA with respect to paper entitled “ Hydrology and Nutrient Flux in an Agrarian Watershed of the Sikkim Himalaya” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation USA 53(2): 125-132, 1998 for the best paper of the journal in 1998.
- Vishisht Vaigyanik Puraskar (Eminent Scientist Award) for 1995 awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India in recognition of work in the area of Ecology, Eco-regeneration and Conservation of Natural Resources.
- Fellow, National Institute of Ecology 1994, New Delhi, India
- Visiting Scientist Fellowship in 1994, University of Glasgow, Scotland under exchange programme between Indian National Science Academy and Royal Society of London.
- INSA Medal for Young Scientists 1988 was awarded in Plant Sciences by the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India
Total 212 (publication list attached)
- Peer reviewed journal papers - 99
- Chapters contributed to books - 31
- Books authored or edited or ICIMOD publications – 32
- Scientific reviews - 04
- Articles published in seminars, symposia and conference volumes - 18
- Popular articles – 28
- Citation of publication 4,886; h-index 41; i10-index 103 (Source: Google Scholar as of 20 September 2020)
Work experience:
- 2017-2020: Deputy Director General, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal (Strategy and five-year plans developed and implemented; introduced multidisciplinary approach through matrix management of themes and regional programmes; human resources management; fund raising; government and donor relations; representing institution in the regional and global forums)
- 2011-2016: Director Programme Operations, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal (Strategy and five-year plans developed and implemented; introduced multidisciplinary approach through matrix management of themes and regional programmes; human resources management; fund raising; government and donor relations; representing institution in the regional and global forums)
- 2003-2010: Programme Manager, Natural Resource Management (2003-2008) and Environmental Change and Ecosystem Services (2008-2010), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal (Programme design and implementation; human resources management and mentoring; partnerships with institutions of the regional member countries; represented ICIMOD in regional and international forum on thematic areas of biodiversity, mountain ecology, natural resources etc.)
- 2001-2002: Senior Agriculture Specialist and Head of the Mountain Farming Systems Division, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal
- 1999-2001: Chief Vigilance Officer for G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, appointed by Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi, Govt. of India (as part of employment with G.B. Pant Institute)
- 1989-2001: Founder Head of the Sikkim Regional Centre of the G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India
- 1985-1989: Postdoctoral on biological nitrogen fixation by non-leguminous trees in the Eastern Himalayas at the Banaras Hindu University, India (Teaching - Ecology practical classes for under‑graduate students 1987‑1989, and for post‑graduate students, 1988‑1989)
Major achievements related to portfolio management
- Planned, designed and steered the 5-yr Hindu-Kush-Himalaya Assessment engaging 350+ scientists globally, which was published by Springer Nature in 2019. Following the assessment with highly consultative process with the HKH countries prepared “HKH Call to Action” which is now implemented
- Developed and implemented Regional HKH strategies and five-year action plans in eight countries. Two major strategic changes were made to include upstream-downstream (mountains and basins) linkages and science-policy-practice interfaces in institutional programme designs. There changes have helped ICIMOD bring more visibility on the roles of mountains in the downstream region and globally
- Financial sustainability of ICIMOD programmes and at the institutional level was ensured by raising funds with 35+ donors (contributed in raising 230+ million USD since 2012)
- Developed strategic relationships with eight HKH governments, regional and global partners where successfully highlighted issues and necessity for more attention on mountain areas.
- Lead ICIMOD team to provide inputs to national level policies related to environment, biodiversity, climate change and ecosystem management in the regional member countries of the HKH
- Implemented systems for monitoring, evaluation and learning specifically introducing ‘Theory of Change and Impact Pathways’ in ICIMOD programmes and initiatives
- Represented ICIMOD in UNFCCC, CBD, SDG and other global discourses for promoting mountain agenda. Also science gaps especially on mountain knowledge in IPCC and IPBES were bridged through ICIMOD inputs
- Generated scientific evidences on mountain ecology and biodiversity through publication of scientific journal articles, books and reports that are used and highly cited. In many topics science gaps from the HKH region have been bridged
- Scientific contributed recently made to Belt and Road Initiative of China, NITI Aayog Initiatives on Mountains of Indian Himalayan Region, and other major initiatives of the HKH countries
- Supported Government of Sikkim, India by developing “Strategy for Organic Farming” in 2019 as Advisor on Environment and Development to Chief Minister’s Office (Cabinet Minister rank)
- Established Regional Centre of GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment in Gangtok, Sikkim, India as founder Head during 1989-2001
- Contributed to 8th five year plan for improving science and technology in development of India as Member of Young Scientist Consultation Group to the Prime Minister of India in 1989
- Lead a multidisciplinary High Level Committee as Chairperson on Rathangchu Hydel Project, Government of Sikkim, India constituted after the ruling of Supreme Court of India during 1997-1998
- Contributed to Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical & Technological Sciences, Sikkim, India as Member of Governing Council during 1998-2001